once again, my business practices and ethics are being questioned in the public arena. and once again I will respond only with facts and complete transparency to set the record straight.
needless to say, I emphatically contest this filing. My wife and I have retained legal representation and are prepared to follow this situation through to the end.
the first I heard of these new filings against me was yesterday – when a reporter from the tribune review called me. Immediately, I called Robert and Ruth Tortorete three times yesterday for some kind of clarification without an answer or call back.

• the building was rented to us – as is with well used and aging equipment in it. we agreed to make payments on that equipment as turnkey tenants. over the course of the three year lease we paid $25,000 on that equipment.
• the building sat vacant for years. we moved in and paid nearly $95,000 in rent during our three year lease. To put that into perspective,the Allegheny County website, in 2014 the full market value of the building is $162,000. we left the building with fully serviced original equipment as well as valuable pieces that were necessary for our concept.
I was in contact with the Tortoretes and their attorney from January through early March and had several conversations about this. Our last communication was an email from me on March 4th to which I never received a response.
once I noticed that there was a liquor license application on the window of station street and that it was being rented as “fully equipped” (and considering that I hadn’t heard from the Tortoretes in nearly six weeks) I assumed this issue was resolved.
we have always been upfront with business associates. we have never abandoned a business debt. we have followed through on rectifying financial situations.
however, in this case we feel that the filings are baseless and unfounded.
and, as we’ve done in the past, I am again posting my wife’s and my own credit scores as of this morning.
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